Displaying items by tag: Mature
DOOM Eternal is a title that needs little introduction but deserves a lot of praise. Here, Slayers will feel right at home jumping, dashing, smashing, blasting, and of course exploding through the legions of Hell. While DOOM Eternal does focus more on story than the previous 2016 installment, it feels and operates on a much higher frequency of fun.
Interrogating is really not the answer. Worth some of your time, especially if you’re into that whole noir scene, but otherwise, you can give it a pass.
Headspun makes up for its lack of gameplay with an emphasis on visual style and storytelling. While not for everyone, fans of narrative adventure games will find something to enjoy here.
While it may have been only a brief preview, Song of Horror shows genuine promise for what could be a very successful horror game.
Stellar storytelling and an immersive world design makes Greedfall fun to play, but disappointing character customization, poor graphics, and bad animation prevent the title from truly shining.
A superbly polished visual feast as well as a jumpscare-laden walking simulator that takes a few steps back as a sequel, rather than forward.
A refreshing addition to the series, with beautiful graphics and excellent combat, yet plagued with microtransactions that force you to choose between grinding or paying, as well as lackluster RNG systems.
You could try to give The Dark Inside Me the benefit of the doubt and say it’s attempting to be dark and edgy, but any way you look at it, it falls on the wrong side of offensive and trashy, without any kind of decent gameplay to fall back on.
Apocalipsis’ art style complements its gloomy tale incredibly well. While the story is nothing to write home about and the puzzles range from boring and easy to interesting and difficult, the voice acting and visual aesthetic make this title stand out from other point-and-click games. If you’re a fan of games as visual art, check this one out.
Technomancer is utterly fantastic, even if it does have a few minor kinks that need to be worked out. It's wicked fun with satisfying combat, and it offers a clever leveling build with full customization. With a decent story and a convincing landscape, what's more to enjoy than a post-apocalyptic world where options are plenty?